Monday, 8 August 2011

Ramadan wishes 1
Welcome Ramadan.
Walk humbly.
Talk politely.
Dress modestly.
Treat kindly.
Pray attentively.
Donate generously.
May Allah bless & protect you.
Ramadan wishes 2
This is the time when the gates of hell are shut.
The devil is locked up & his work is cut.
The doors of mercy are opened up wide
& Allah’s blessings are always on your side.
(Happy Ramadan)
Ramadan wishes 3
A blessed month is casting its shadow upon us
A night of this month is better dan a thousand months
Bear with patience for the sake of Ar-Rahman
It’s a continuous training to strengthen our Imaan.
Ramadan wishes 4
May the light that we celebrate at Ramadan
show us the way & lead us together on
the path of peace & social harmony.
Ramadan wishes 5
Don’t ignore this Ramadan; it could be your last.
Strive 2 to obtain Allah’s pleasure & hold your fast.
tomorrow could be your final day, so be prepared.
Seize today by the neck & have no chance spared.
Ramadan wishes 6
May this Ramadan bring in you the most brightest
& choicest happiness & love you have ever wished for.
May the festival of lights brighten up yours & your near & dear ones lives.
Ramadan wishes 7
May this Ramadan bring you the utmost in peace & prosperity.
May ligth triumph over darkness.
May peace transcend the earth.
May the spirit of life illuminate the world.
(Ramadan Mubarak)
Ramadan wishes 8
He is the one GOD
the Creator, the Initiate, the Designer
to Him belong the most beautiful names
He is the Almighty, Most Wise.

Wishing u a blessed Ramadan….