Sunday 26 June 2011

All the songs here...... touched my soul in times of loneliness

Sometimes we feel angry ...... sometimes we disgust .... if we think like this ... what we can do .... life is not beautiful at all times layan la lagu2 ini.....sekurang-kurangnya bisa menenang jiwa ketika celaru....hehehe

Rod Stewart - I don't want to talk about it

Rod Stewart - I don't want to talk about it lyrics
I can tell by your eyes that youve probbly been cryin forever,
And the stars in the sky don't mean nothin to you, they're a mirror.
I don't want to talk about it, how you broke my heart.
If I stay here just a little bit longer,
If I stay here, wont you listen to my heart, whoa, heart?

If I stand all alone, will the shadow hide the color of my heart;
Blue for the tears, black for the nights fears.
The star in the sky don't mean nothin to you, they're a mirror.
I don't want to talk about it, how you broke my heart.
If I stay here just a little bit longer,
If I stay here, wont you listen to my heart, whoa, heart?
I don't want to talk about it, how you broke this ol heart.

If I stay here just a little bit longer,
If I stay here, wont you listen to my heart, whoa, heart?
My heart, whoa, heart.

my songs

Have I Told You Lately - Rod Stewart
Have I told you lately that I love you
Have I told you there's no one else above you
Fill my heart with gladness
take away all my sadness
ease my troubles that's what you do

For the morning sun in all it's glory
greets the day with hope and comfort too
You fill my life with laughter
and somehow you make it better
ease my troubles that's what you do
There's a love that's divine
and it's yours and it's mine like the sun
And at the end of the day
we should give thanks and pray
to the one, to the one

Have I told you lately that I love you
Have I told you there's no one else above you
Fill my heart with gladness
take away all my sadness
ease my troubles that's what you do

There's a love that's divine
and it's yours and it's mine like the sun
And at the end of the day
we should give thanks and pray
to the one, to the one

And have I told you lately that I love you
Have I told you there's no one else above you
You fill my heart with gladness
take away my sadness
ease my troubles that's what you do
Take away all my sadness
fill my life with gladness
ease my troubles that's what you do
Take away all my sadness
fill my life with gladness
ease my troubles that's what you do

When I need you
I just close my eyes and Im with you
And all that I so want to give you
Its only a heart beat away

When I need love
I hold out my hand and I touch love
I never knew there was so much love
Keeping me warm night and day

Miles and miles of empty space in between us
A telephone cant take the place of your smile
But you know I wont be traveling forever
Its cold out but hold out and do like I do

When I need you
I just close my eyes and Im with you
And all that I so want to give you baby
Its only a heart beat away

Its not easy when the road is your driver
Honey thats a heavy load that we bear
But you know I wont be traveling a lifetime
Its cold out so hold out and do like I do

When I need you

When I need love
I hold out my hands and I touch love
I never knew there was so much love
Keeping me warm night and day

When I need you
I close my eyes
I hold out my hand and Ive got you darlin
Its only a heart beat away
Now listen
When I need you darlin
I hold you, feel ya
Give it to me baby

And I miss ya baby
Just close my eyes and Im with you
And I need you tonight
You know its only a heart beat away

My favourite songs

When I need you
I just close my eyes and Im with you
And all that I so want to give you
Its only a heart beat away

When I need love
I hold out my hand and I touch love
I never knew there was so much love
Keeping me warm night and day

Miles and miles of empty space in between us
A telephone cant take the place of your smile
But you know I wont be traveling forever
Its cold out but hold out and do like I do

When I need you
I just close my eyes and Im with you
And all that I so want to give you baby
Its only a heart beat away

Its not easy when the road is your driver
Honey thats a heavy load that we bear
But you know I wont be traveling a lifetime
Its cold out so hold out and do like I do

When I need you

When I need love
I hold out my hands and I touch love
I never knew there was so much love
Keeping me warm night and day

When I need you
I close my eyes
I hold out my hand and Ive got you darlin
Its only a heart beat away
Now listen
When I need you darlin
I hold you, feel ya
Give it to me baby

And I miss ya baby
Just close my eyes and Im with you
And I need you tonight
You know its only a heart beat away

When I Need You

Rod Stewart - Cover Song - Have I Told You Lately - released June 1993

Broery Marantika & Dewi Yull : Jangan Ada Dusta Diantara Kita (HQ Audio)

Ketika pertama kujumpa denganmu
Bukankah pernah kutanyakan padamu kasih
Takkan kecewakah kau pada diriku
Takkan menyesalkah kau hidup denganku kasih

( 1 )
Memang kau bukan yang pertama bagiku
Pernah satu hati mengisi hidupku dulu
Dan kini semua kau katakan padaku
Jangan ada dusta di antara kita kasih

( korus )
Semua terserah padamu aku begini adanya
Kuhormati keputusanmu, apapun yang akan
Kau katakan, sebelum terlanjur kita jauh
Melangkah, kau katakan saja

( ulang 1 & korus )

broery marantika - biarlah bulan bicara


Bulan sabit
Yang jatuh dipelataran
Bintang redup
Tanpa cahaya gemintang
Langkah tanpa arah
Sesat di jalan yang terang
Aku yang terlena dibuai pelukan dosa

Ingin pulang membalut luka hatimu
Ku pun tahu betapa pedih batinmu
Beri kesempatan atau jatuhkan hukuman
Andai maaf pun tak kau berikan

Air mata tulus jatuh di sudut bibir mu
Tak terlintas dendam di bening mata indah mu
Aku yang merasa sangat berdosa pada mu
Masih pantaskah mendampingi mu

Biar lah bulan bicara sendiri
Biarlah bintang kan menjadi saksi
Tak kan ku ulangi walau sampai akhir nanti
Cukup derita sampai di sini

Thursday 23 June 2011

Bruno Mars - The Lazy Song [Official Video]

Words that I often hold in memory

All people have a problem ...... so do not make the problem as a stumbling block for us to survive in the natural life .... as long as the body ... as long as that life should be continued .... so make what should we do .... as a Muslim we can not give up ....... life should be continued ........

anti aging tips.....hehehe ...

Menaikkan seri muka
Basuhkan muka anda dengan menggunakan air basuhan beras yang ke tiga. bilas dengan air bersih setelah sepuluh minit berlalu. amalkan selalu.
Menghilangkan bintik hitam di muka
Dapatkan 10 helai daun pegaga, cuci dengan air garamkemudian ditumbuk halus. Campurkan dengan bedak sejuk yang telah dicampurkan dengan air suam. Amalkan memakainya pada muka setiap malam dan cuci pada keesokan hari. Lakukan sehingga bintik-bintik hitam hilang.
Atasi wajah berkedut
Jika kulit wajah anda berkedut, langkah berikut mungkin boleh menjadi penyelesaian.  Ambil satu biji kuning telur, satu sudu kecil minyak zaitun dan lima titis perahan limau nipis. Gaul sebati dan sapukan ke wajah anda. Biarkan selama 20 minit dan kemudian bilas dengan air hangat. Lakukan secara teratur seminggu sekali. Pasti kulit wajah terasa lebih segar dan tidak berkedut lagi.
Petua haluskan kulit muka
Petua 1 : Buah tomato dikisar halus. Lumurkan pada muka seberapa ketika. Sebaiknya dilakukan pada waktu malam kerana tiada gangguan. Setelah agak lama, cuci muka dgn air suam. Amalkan selalu. Buah tomato ini juga berfungsi utk membersihkan kulit.
Petua 2 : Bancuh sedikit asam jawa bersama air dan sesudu tepong ubi. Kacau sehingga ia menjadi larutan pekat. Pupurkan kepada muka yang telah dibersihkan. Biarkan ia mengering lebih kurang lima belas minit. Selepas itu barulah dibilas.
Petua 3 : Didihkan susu segar atau pun susu tepung bercampur air. Biarkan ia sejuk lalu disapukan kepada muka. Biarkan kering lalu dibasuh dengan air bersih.
Petua menegangkan kulit muka 
Petua 1 : Ambil tepung ubi kayu dan timun.Timun itu hendaklah di sagat/dihancurkan terlebih dahulu atau dilumatkan. Kemudia campurkan kedua-duanya dengan air sedikit. Kacau rata dan jangan terlalu cair. Selepas itu, sapukan ke muka dan biarkan ia kering.Kemudian basuh. Dengan cara ini ia dapat menegangkan kulit muka serta menampakkan keputihan di muka dan menjadikan kulit kita segar.
Petua 2 : Campurkan sedikit bedak sejuk dan beberapa titik air limau nipis. Bancuhlah bersama sedikit air dan sapukan ke muka. Kulit akan terasa pedih sedikit. Amalkan dalam masa seminggu untuk melihat perubahannya.
Memerahkan bibir 
Petua 1 : Sapukan madu asli pada bibir tiap-tiap malam sebelum masuk tidur. Amalkan selalu. Insyaallah bibir anda akan merah seperti memakai gincu.
Petua 2 : Tumbuk seketul halia hingga hancur. Perah airnya, campur kuning telur ayam kampung dan makan setiap pagi dan malam. Bibir pucat akan menjadi merah seperti delima merekah.

MTV "Sedetik Lebih" - Anuar Zain (1:49 Min)

Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are [Official Video]

Petua dapur untuk hari ini.....

Elak biskut dari lemau
Biskut yang disimpan di dalam bekas kadangkala mudah lemau. Bagi mengelakkannya , sebelum menyimpan biskut, taburkan sedikit gula pasir ke dalam bekas berkenaan. Kemudian barulah masukkan biskut dan tutup ketat.
Elak telur ikan dari hancur
Sebelum memasak telur ikan, basuh dan rendamkan di dalam air kapur selama 10 minit. Kemudian bilas dengan air bersih dan rebus seketika sebelum dimasak. Hasilnya telur ikan tidak mudah hancur.
Ayam goreng lebih rangup
Agar ayam goreng yang digoreng lebih rangup, gaulkan ayam dgn garam dan kunyit. Kemudian salutkan sedikit tepung sagu pada ayam tersebut dan kemudian goreng ayam seperti biasa. Cara ini juga menjadikan ayam goreng lebih enak.
Mencuci kerak periuk
Menggunakan kulit ubi kentang.Cara membuatnya, rebus kulit kentang dengan kerak itu dalam tempoh beberapa minit. setelah air itu panas, kerak yang melekat di periuk akan tertanggal dengan sendirinya.

Akak2 glam...kalu posing memang terbaik punya.....hehehe

Ha.....inilah kerja-kerja keras tangan cuti sekolah 2 minggu yg lepas....yang sempat ku layan ....

Tuesday 14 June 2011

for your thought

don't forget to remember

  • Watch your thoughts; they become words.
  • Watch your words; they become actions.
  • Watch your actions; they become habits.
  • Watch your habits; they become character.
  • Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

Sunday 12 June 2011

Cupcake Nur Kasih

1 cwn susu cair
1 cwn air
1 cwn butter cair
2 cwn gula perang

* Semua BAHAN A digaul rata

2 cwn tepung superfine
1/2 (setengah) cwn serbuk koko
1 sudu kecil baking powder
1 sudu kecil soda bikarbonat

* Semua BAHAN B diayak

1 biji telur ayam
1 sudu kecil esen vanilla

1. Panaskan kukus
2. BAHAN A dikacau rata
3. Masukkan BAHAN B & dikacau sebati
4. Masukkan BAHAN C & dikacau
5. Masukkan dlm paper cup

Untuk Krim Cokelat:
250gm cooking cokelat
1 atau 2 sudu besar shortening
guna double boiler ya......untuk cairkannya..
Lepas tu buh la atas kek...mekap la ikut suka....bagi nampak nur.....hehehe
Selamat Mencuba

cuti........indahnya.....tapi malangnya dah habis....

Seronoknya cuti 2 minggu.........mcm-mcm akak buat dan telah berjaya siapkan sulaman riben untuk 7 penutup balang kuih raya...glamor la raya nanti....picturenya kemudian  ya.....

Wednesday 1 June 2011

post pertama

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
inilah post pertamaku